[plt-scheme] Filename-extension bug in hidden dirs?

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Thu May 25 11:42:16 EDT 2006

On Thu, 25 May 2006, Paulo J. Matos wrote:

> Hi all,
> Contrary to what's supposed (plt-scheme 301.14):
>> (filename-extension "/home/pmatos/.ooffice2/profile/")
> #"ooffice2/profile/"
> Since it is a directory it should return #f. Probably it is getting
> messed up by the . which means hidden dirs in linux. Probably a bug,
> right?

Yeah; I think this should be using split-path to avoid weirdness.  So 
rather than:

   ;; name can be any string; we just look for a dot
   (define filename-extension
     (lambda (name)
       (unless (path-string? name)
 	(raise-type-error 'filename-extension "path or string" name))
       (let ([name (if (path? name)
 		      (path->bytes name)
 	(let ([m (regexp-match #rx#"[.]([^.]+)$" name)])
 	  (and m
 	       (cadr m))))))

Something like:

(module fixed-filename-extension mzscheme
   (provide filename-extension)
   (define filename-extension
     (lambda (name)
       (unless (path-string? name)
         (raise-type-error 'filename-extension "path or string" name))
       (let-values ([(base name must-be-dir?)
                     (split-path name)])
         (and (not must-be-dir?)
              (let ([m (regexp-match #rx#"[.]([^.]+)$"
                                     (path->bytes name))])
                (and m
                     (cadr m))))))))

will behave better:

> (filename-extension "foo.scm")
> (filename-extension "/home/pmatos/.ooffice2/profile/")

I'll send this off to bugs.plt-scheme.org.  Best of wishes!

Posted on the users mailing list.