[plt-scheme] read-decimal-as-inexact

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Mon May 22 08:25:56 EDT 2006

[Sorry that your original message went unanswered! I lost track of it.]

This is now fixed in the SVN repository.

When a module is loaded, the default load handle should parameter the
`read' of the module so that `read-decimal-as-inexact' (and the other
`read-...' parameteres) are set to the default. But all loads were
parameterized this way, including the load of ".mzschemerc". I changed
the default load handler to only parameterize in loads for `require'
(or `dynamic-require', etc.).


At Sat, 20 May 2006 21:26:46 -0400, rocky wrote:
> >Somewhere between v209 and v301, read-decimal-as-inexact was changed.
> >
> >I used to be able to set it to #f in my .mzschemerc or in a module,
> >but now if I set it #f in a module, it is still #t in my main file.
> >
> >Strangely, print-graph and print-struct don't have this problem, and
> >I can set them in other files.
> >
> >Is this a bug or a "feature"?
> >
> >--rocky
> Yup, I can't even (load "a_setupfile") that will change
> read-decimal-as-inexact to #f.  The best I can do is to define a
> function in a separate file, "require" it, and then run the function:
> (require "setup.ss")
> (run-setup)
> It's as though read-decimal-as-inexact was a "buffer-local" variable
> (to use emacs terminology), and whenever I change it in another file
> it can't get "out".  What I need is:
> (setq-default 'read-decimal-as-inexact nil)
> But, as I said before, print-graph and print-struct don't have this
> problem.
> --rocky
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