[plt-scheme] How to get the source of procedure?
Here is a module that defines a special lambda form that allows you to
create a procedure with a documentation string and its source code
represented as an S-expression.
Let me warn you about the perils of source code inspection, though. In
JavaScript, you can access the source code of any function as a string.
As a result, the browser vendors get bug reports every time they make
even the slightest changes to the implementation of any function: users
have written programs that rely on the exact representation of the
source code, so changes to the implementation break the users' code --
sometimes even as mundane as whitespace changes! The situation is only
marginally better with an S-expression representation.
Executive summary: violate abstraction boundaries, and you'll get what
you deserve. :)
I'll add this to the Scheme Cookbook.
;; --
(module doc-lambda mzscheme
(define-values (struct:doc-lambda make-doc-lambda doc-lambda?
doc-lambda-ref doc-lambda-set!)
(make-struct-type 'doc-lambda #f 3 0 #f null #f 0))
(define doc-lambda-proc (make-struct-field-accessor doc-lambda-ref 0
(define doc-lambda-doc (make-struct-field-accessor doc-lambda-ref 1
(define doc-lambda-src (make-struct-field-accessor doc-lambda-ref 2
(define (procedure-doc x)
(and (doc-lambda? x)
(doc-lambda-doc x)))
(define (procedure-source x)
(and (doc-lambda? x)
(doc-lambda-src x)))
(define-syntax doc-lambda
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ doc-string args body0 body1 ...)
(let ([doc-string-v doc-string])
(lambda args body0 body1 ...)
`(doc-lambda ,doc-string-v args body0 body1 ...)))]))
(provide doc-lambda procedure-doc procedure-source))
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