[plt-scheme] Ds: praise to PLT

From: jos.koot at tiscali.nl (jos.koot at tiscali.nl)
Date: Sun May 14 18:15:49 EDT 2006

Oeps, the attachment did not come with it.

----Oorspronkelijk bericht----
Van: jos.koot at tiscali.nl
Datum : 15/05/2006 0:10
Aan: <plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu>
Onderw: praise to PLT

The language tools of MzScheme are very powerfull.
I was intrigued by the example in section
12.5 Special Syntax Identifiers of PLT MzScheme Language manual.
Reading it I felt that it should be rather easy
to use #%app for lazy evaluation.
Indeed it was not too difficult. 
I like to share my example with you in honour of the PLT team.
See attachment. (I currently cant access my home page)
Jos Koot

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