[plt-scheme] FFI Problem
I have a "can't see the tree for the forest"-problem.
The function dgemv ought to accept 11 arguments, but will
only accept 3.
> (require blas)
. procedure ffi-wrapper:dgemv: expects 3 arguments,
given 12: 0 0 4 4 1.0 #<struct:f64vector> 4 #<struct:f64vector>
1 0.0 #<struct:f64vector> 1
Where is my mistake?
(module blas mzscheme
(provide (all-defined))
(require (lib "foreign.ss"))
(define blas-lib
(ffi-lib "c:/libgoto_katmai-r0.99-3.dll"))
; void dgemv(const char *trans, int *m, int *n, double *alpha,
; void *a, int *lda, void *x, int *incx,
; double *beta, void *y, int *incy);
(define blas:dgemv
(get-ffi-obj "dgemv" blas-lib
(_fun (_ptr o _byte) ; char *trans
(_ptr o _int) ; int *m
(_ptr o _int) ; int *n
(_ptr o _double) ; double *alpha
_f64vector ; void *a the input matrix
(_ptr o _int) ; int *lda
_f64vector ; void *x input vector
of doubles
(_ptr o _int) ; int *incx
(_ptr o _double) ; double *beta
(_ptr io _void) ; void *y
(_ptr o _int) ; int *incy
(lambda ()
(lambda (x)
(error 'foolib
"your installed foolib version does not
provide \"foo\"")))))
; void dgemv(const char *trans, int *m, int *n, double *alpha,
; void *a, int *lda, void *x, int *incx,
; double *beta, void *y, int *incy);
; The parameters are as follows:
; trans
; is a single character indicating the form of the input matrix a,
; * 'N' or 'n' indicates that a is to be used in the computation
; * 'T' or 't' indicates that the transpose of a is to be used in
the computation
; m
; represents:
; * the number of rows in input matrix a
; * the length of vector y, if 'N' or 'n' is used for the trans
; * the length of vector x, if 'T' or 't' is used for the trans
; The number of rows must be greater than or equal to zero, and
less than the leading
; dimension of the matrix a (specified in lda)
; n
; represents:
; * the number of columns in input matrix a
; * the length of vector x, if 'N' or 'n' is used for the trans
; * the length of vector y, if 'T' or 't' is used for the trans
; The number of columns must be greater than or equal to zero.
; alpha
; is the scaling constant for matrix a
; a
; is the input matrix of float (for sgemv) or double (for dgemv)
; lda
; is the leading dimension of the array specified by a. The leading
; must be greater than zero. The leading dimension must be greater
than or
; equal to 1 and greater than or equal to the value specified in m.
; x
; is the input vector of float (for sgemv) or double (for dgemv)
; incx
; is the stride for vector x. It can have any value.
; beta
; is the scaling constant for vector y
; y
; is the output vector of float (for sgemv) or double (for dgemv)
; incy
; is the stride for vector y. It must not be zero.
; Note:
; Vector y must have no common elements with matrix a or vector x;
otherwise, the results are unpredictable.
; (error)
;(define order blas:ColMajor)
;(define transa blas:NoTrans)
(define order 0)
(define transa 0)
(define m 4); /* Size of Column ( the number of rows ) */
(define n 4); /* Size of Row ( the number of columns ) */
(define lda 4); /* Leading dimension of 5 * 4 matrix is 5 */
(define incx 1)
(define incy 1)
(define alpha 1.0)
(define beta 0.0)
(define a ; column-major order!
'(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0) ))
(define x (list->f64vector '(1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0)))
(define y (list->f64vector '(0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))
(blas:dgemv order transa m n alpha a lda x incx beta y incy)