[plt-scheme] modifying live code

From: Richard Cleis (rcleis at mac.com)
Date: Wed May 10 04:16:15 EDT 2006

; This example is based on the development of a
; telemetry filter while it was being used by a
; thread that was pointing a telescope.  New
; filters replaced the old while the thread ran.

; The function (filter-latitude) is developed in
; its own file, then loaded in a repl that
; started a thread that receives telemetry, filters
; it, then sends the good data to a telescope.

; The example simulates a system that:
; 1) occasionally receives large errors (5 degrees)
;    from a telemetry system on a balloon
; 2) filters latitudes expected to be near 35 degrees
; 3) sends the good data to a telescope.

; The actual filter is more complicated, and only
; latitude is treated here.

; This thread simulates the periodic transfer of
; latitude from telemetry to telescope:

(define loop-in-thread
     (transfer-latitude) ; telemetry to telescope
     (sleep 0.1) ; simulate more often than real-deal

(define transfer-latitude ; runs in thread
     (let ((filtered-latitude
            (filter-latitude (receive-latitude))))
       (if filtered-latitude ;; send if not #f
           (send-to-telescope filtered-latitude)))))

;; Simulate a glitch of 5 degrees
;; in 10% of the messages:

(define receive-latitude
   (lambda() (+ 35 (if (> 90 (random 100))
                       0     ; no error 90% of time

;; This function will be changed without
;; stopping the system:

(define filter-latitude
   (lambda( latitude )
     latitude)) ; don't filter anything

; simulate errors by incrementing counter
; an error is a latitude more than 3 degrees from 35:

(define error-count 0 )
(define send-to-telescope
   (lambda(latitude) ;
     (if (< 3 (abs (- latitude 35)))
         (set! error-count (+ 1 error-count)))))

;; start the thread
(define tt (thread loop-in-thread))

;; use (e) from repl to see errors climb
(define (e) error-count)

;; In a file named "filter-function."
;; define and test (filter-latitude)
;; (or type the function in the thread's repl,
;; but that is unrealistic.)
;; Filter latitudes more than 2 degrees from 35:

(define filter-latitude ;; define in another file
   ( lambda ( latitude )
     (if (> 2 (abs (- latitude 35)))

;; Load "filter-function" from the thread's repl, and
;; watch the errors stop ( using (e) ).
;; An error-handler could enclose the thread's
;; function to prevent a bad filter from killing
;; the thread.


On May 9, 2006, at 9:48 AM, spdegabrielle at gmail.com wrote:

> Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give an example of modifying a 
> running scheme program?
> I have read that this was something that users of 'lisp machines' 
> could do, and was wondering if it applies to all lisps/schemes?
> Regards,
> Stephen De Gabrielle
> --
> spdegabrielle at gmail.com
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