[plt-scheme] 3rd-8th Grade
On Mar 20, 2006, at 05:59, Matt Jadud wrote:
> By-and-large, visual programming doesn't scale, and I'm not
> confident that it's necessarily good/great/anything from a strictly
> learning perspective. Put another way, I agree with Mathias---I
> don't know if it helps with algorithm visualization and understanding
When people write about tail call elimination and activation records,
it is the imagery it evokes that helps me understand how things
actually work, and I need this even more when trying to understand
continuations. With the image of what's in memory, continuations are
as simple as my kids' board games. Without the images, continuations
feel like quantum mechanics.
If I look at CLRS's algorithm illustrations [1], they provide the
additional information I need to see something simple underlying the
terse math notation. Similarly, the visuals in PLT's debugger help
me understand what is actually active.
I agree with Matthias, "This is interpretation not synthesis. In the
opposite direction, it's limiting."
Geoffrey S. Knauth | http://knauth.org/gsk
[1] Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein