[plt-scheme] drscheme in Xorg-7.0?
I compiled it from source, downloaded from www.drscheme.org. it's version 301, but I've tried 209 too, which gives the same problem. The fact that it happens with all versions makes me think it's not drscheme but rather Xorg7, but then again, drscheme IS the only application that doesn't work at the moment. everything else I've got runs just fine (or at least the stuff I've already used, which is pretty much everything...)
So I'm not sure, I guess it's a combination of drscheme en xorg7 that just doesn't cooperate... let's hope for fixes soon...
>I don't know where you installed it from, but drscheme 301 is not in
>gentoo's portage tree. If your using the gentoo ebuild for drscheme you may
>want to copy your bug reports to gentoo bug report system.
>On 3/9/06, Joris Vandermeersch <jovdmeer at vub.ac.be> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been working with drscheme for a few months now, as it's used at my
>> university in the Computer Science course (that's at the VUB in Belgium).
>> Now about a week ago, I installed the modular Xorg-7.0 on my Linux system
>> (that's Gentoo Linux) and now drscheme won't start anymore. It gives the
>> loading screen/splashscreen, and when it's fully loaded it just quits. If
>> ran from terminal it gives a segmentation fault. All of my other programs
>> work fine, without any problem (I'm thinking Gimp, Firefox, Xterm itself,
>> MPlayer, etc...) so I'm fairly sure it's got something to do with drscheme
>> itself, failing to work with Xorg-7.0.
>> I searched the internet for solutions but I've found not a single site
>> mentioning my problem or anything related, and so I turn to you. I hope
>> I've got the right mail-adress, if not, please reply with the correct
>> adress.
>> If you could help me in any way to get drscheme running (as I've got some
>> projects for school - not really urgent but I still should get working on
>> them) I'd be really grateful. Downgrading to Xorg-6.8 is not an option,
>> and I'd rather like to see such things fixed instead of worked-around
>> anyway...
>> Thanks,
>> - Joris
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>((lambda (y) (y y)) (lambda (y) (y y)))