[plt-scheme] Drscheme/Mred on Mactel! -- but, regression from svn 2282 to 2407

From: Ryan Newton (newton at mit.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 10 23:35:08 EST 2006

Earlier, Matthew mentioned that mzscheme is building successfully on  
Intel Macintosh machines:

 > MzScheme, MrEd, and DrScheme build on Intel Mac OS with the code  
in SVN.
 > MzScheme passes its test suite. I don't know whether MrEd and  
 > actually work, because I've only had console access to an Intel Mac.
 > Matthew

I'm happy to confirm that the revision dated from the day Matthew  
wrote that (2282), does, in fact, build a working drscheme and mred  
(at least under --enable-xonx, I have yet to try the Carbon gui).   
I'm currently running it on a Macbook Pro.

Unfortunately, when I tried building the current subversion revision  
(2407), I got the below libtool error.  Maybe this is a bug in this  
check-in that's not particular  to the Mactel platform... but I  
thought I'd make it known.


make mzscheme
if [ ! -d PLT_MzScheme.framework ] ; then mkdir  
PLT_MzScheme.framework ; fi
if [ ! -d PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions ] ; then mkdir  
PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions ; fi
if [ ! -d PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/301.9 ] ; then mkdir  
PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/301.9 ; fi
gcc -o PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/301.9/PLT_MzScheme -framework  
CoreFoundation -dynamiclib -all_load  libmzscheme.a libmzgc.a  -ldl - 
lm  -liconv
ld: Undefined symbols:
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make[2]: *** [PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/301.9/PLT_MzScheme]  
Error 1
make[1]: *** [normal-bin] Error 2
make: *** [bin] Error 2

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