[plt-scheme] A game in scheme( again )

From: Jon Rafkind (workmin at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Jun 28 08:26:56 EDT 2006

Eli Barzilay wrote:
> On Jun 28, Henry Lenzi wrote:
>> Do you really mean Linux or do you mean Unix? (The last case
>> includes us freaks who prefer BSD or Solaris).
> Jon mis-advertised his package a little...  It's not just a game --
> it's mainly an interface to a multimedia/gaming library called Allegro
> (similar to SDL, but a bit more high level).  Their website seems to
> indicate that it does run on bsd, solaris etc.
I sort of assumed most people were using Windows, Linux or OSX but
Allegro does in fact run on *NIX( BSD's and Solaris ). Although its been
quite a while since ive tried Allegro on the other Unix's it probably
still works. It would be interesting to know if Allegro works with
BSD/Solaris because on Unix the planet package actually builds Allegro
from source. So if you try it there will be a considerable delay between
the time you type (require (planet ...)) and when its actually
installed. I was supposed to print the installation messages to the
standard out or something but havent got around to it.

Posted on the users mailing list.