[plt-scheme] Using the FFI with a scheme aware dll

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Wed Jun 28 02:01:28 EDT 2006

A related question then:

Why aren't there variables in mzscheme to be able to
determine the :

* directory of a module the is being loaded.
* the system library directory



Matthew Flatt schreef:
> At Tue, 27 Jun 2006 22:17:54 +0200, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:
>> Now I've ported the code to something that can be used with
>> the FFI, but I still need the "scheme_malloc", "scheme_make_type",
>> etc. functions.
>> How can I load these in, [...]?
> Starting with the current SVN code for v350.2, you can access them via
> `(ffi-lib #f)'.
> For earlier versions, unfortunately, the result of `(ffi-lib #f)' only
> searches the exports of the process's .exe, where it finds practically
> nothing. Here's old code from "mzssl.ss" (now removed) that finds the
> MzScheme DLL:
>   (require (lib "filename-version.ss" "dynext"))
>   (define (ffi-lib-xxxxxxx name)
>     (let* ([f (format "~a~a" name filename-version-part)])
>       (or (with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (x) #f)])
>             (ffi-lib (format "~a~a" name filename-version-part)))
> 	  (ffi-lib (format "~axxxxxxx" name)))))
>   (define 3m? (regexp-match #rx#"3m" (path->bytes (system-library-subpath))))
>   (define libmz
>     (case (system-type)
>       [(windows)
>        (ffi-lib-xxxxxxx (format "libmzsch~a" (if 3m? "3m" "")))]
>       [else (ffi-lib #f)]))
> Matthew

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