[plt-scheme] gc or string-append bug in mzscheme 301?
The bug report tool seems like it isn't working for me. Does it connect on
a different port than 80? My firewall at work isn't friendly...
Anyway, I've managed to produce a test case which reliably fails to complete
on mzscheme 301, on both linux and windows, and thought I'd see if somebody
could verify whether this works on 350.
(module test-case mzscheme
(define (paste lst sep)
; Paste list of objects into a string,
; separated by sep
(if (null? lst) ""
(do ((str (format "~a" (car lst)))
(l (cdr lst) (cdr l)))
((null? l) str)
(set! str (string-append str (format "~a~a" sep (car l)))))))
(define (upto n lst)
(if (>= (car lst) n)
(upto n (cons (+ (car lst) 1) lst)))))
;; From the above module, run
(paste (upto 10 '(1)) #\,) ; => "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1"
(paste (upto 100000 '(1)) #\,) ; The paste never returns?!