[plt-scheme] Exe compilation
Hi, again me with Exe compilation in a package.
I developped something like this :
(module AmjPAD
;regular tools
(load "../AmjP Tools/AmjP-Goodies.scm")
(load "../AmjP Tools/AmjP-Hyper-Link-Window.scm")
; splash (about) screen
(load "AmjPAD-splash-screen.scm")
;error treatments
(define (AmjPAD-error-display-handler msg exn)(display msg))
(error-display-handler AmjPAD-error-display-handler)
;editor screen
(load "AmjPAD-editor-screen.scm"))
All Zip file process is OK, using (module...) language and so on. Then when I installed the zup (uncompress it) and launched the exe, I got a message saying "impossible to find AmjPAD\../AmjP Tools/AmjP-Goodies.scm "
Then, I decided to look within the folders hieararchy, after the ZIP uncompression: effectively, no trace of the this file.
It seems my loads does not include the *.scm files within the exe, neither in the folders tree.
Any tricks?
Pascal Delcombel
pascal.delcombel at wanadoo.fr
NB I got a question from Canada : yes, my previous example run correctly, but just one point: your file name (containing the module) should be the same root as the module, ie :
(module mymodule ; unused module
(display "Hello, everyone")
is filed in "mymodule.scm".
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