[plt-scheme] Ann: commercial site using PLT Scheme

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Thu Jun 22 12:09:17 EDT 2006

On Jun 22, 2006, at 3:17 AM, Noel Welsh wrote:

> Untyped is pleased to announce that our first large project
> using the PLT Scheme web server has gone live.  There are
> some details on our blog:
> http://www.untyped.com/untyping/archives/2006/06/we_have_lift_of.html
> Unfortunately there is no publically accessible component
> to the project, but I thought the people here might like to
> know about this success.  We use 3m, and it appears stable
> in terms of memory use.

How about a few screenshots, at least? I know the graphic design is  
entirely orthogonal to the stability of the server, but still...

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