[plt-scheme] HTDP 12.4.2
Hi Wooks Wooks,
A few more comments: try not to skip the design recipe steps, or to
"backport" work from hacking into filling in the design recipe blanks. I
don't see a template for insertEverywhere, and the template for infiltrate
is just, well, silly. *wink*
> ;(define (infiltrate infiltrator front back)
> ; (cond
> ; [(empty? back) ....]
> ; [(empty? front) ..(infiltrate infiltrator (list (first back)) (rest
> back).]
> ; [else (..... (infiltrate infiltrator (append front (list (first
> back))) (rest back))]
> ; )
> ; )
How could the template know that it should use *list* in one place or
*append* in another? I'm just begging the question. The point is that
this just has a strange design to it --- it's doing way too much work, and
I'm not convinced it even does the right thing.
In fact, I know it's doing too much work: the function will work fine here
without the middle case (the one checking front for empty?).
In terms of design recipe terminology, you have a function here that
should technically be following the first case of:
but seeing that that recipe is in Section 17, and that your problem comes
from section 12.4, is a very strong hint that a wrong turn has been taken
here. *grin*
The point is that if we start skipping the design recipe steps in favor of
hacking the problem out, we're bound to dig ourselves into a hole. I'd
strongly recommend re-doing the design recipe for insertEverywhere.
Don't skip the steps! Here's the link to the relevant recipe:
You should be able to do insertEverywhere with that design pattern.
Good luck!