[plt-scheme] blogging software in Scheme?

From: Corey Sweeney (corey.sweeney at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 21 12:56:43 EDT 2006

I don't know if RSS counts as blogging, but a while back I created a RSS
feed authoring system for Drscheme, and someone else announced the same
thing a hour after me.


On 6/20/06, Prabhakar Ragde <plragde at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> For the course blog for my HtDP-based first-year course, I've been using
> Blosxom 2, a small, modular Perl-based program. Development of version 3
> seems to have stalled, and it would be nice if I could use Scheme for
> blogging (as I do for generating other course materials, including
> slides, course notes, and Web pages). So I'm asking if anyone has
> anything to share in this respect. (Or, if you don't, but you like your
> blogging software, please drop me a private note to tell me why I should
> switch to it.) Thanks. --PR
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