[plt-scheme] snips, snip-classes, and snippy questions.
On Jun 15, 2006, at 9:46 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> At Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:52:08 -0700, Jordan Johnson wrote:
>> I understand from the MrEd docs that, by overring read, a subclass of
>> snip-class% tells how to handle the decoding of a snip that's stored
>> in encoded form. Where and how does the ENcoding happen?
> When an editor<%>'s content is written to a stream, it calls the
> `write' methods of its snips. When an editor's content is read from a
> stream, it calls the `read' methods of classes named in the head of
> the
> stream.
Thanks; I should've noticed that. It would be worth including in the
docs (perhaps under ``Encoding Snips'') what you've said explicitly
above (and also cross-referencing snip%'s `write' from snip-class%'s
>> ... I'm working with compound data structures (basically a graph
>> of structs...) whose parts will be viewed in several different
>> ways through several different interfaces...
> I'm not sure I understand, but it sounds like a snip is merely a view
> on some model, and one model can have multiple views. In that case, it
> seems like the model needs to be saved somehow in the header of the
> editor's encoded form, and then the encoded form of a snip needs to
> refer to that model part for which it's a view.
Yes, this is what's going on, essentially. I've worked out a
solution based on your suggestion.
Now, I have at least two contexts in which I'll be viewing these
snips: a graph-pasteboard% showing their relationships, and one or
more text%s where some of them are part of a document,
independently. Their appearance depends on the editor. (A small tag
with a short label in the graph, a box with full text in the text
editor.) It looks like I could accomplish this by checking the type of
(send (send mysnip get-admin) get-editor)
-- will this give me what I want, reliably? (And is it the most
direct, logical way?)
Thanks again!