[plt-scheme] Small problem with regex-replace*

From: Jaime Vargas (jev at mac.com)
Date: Fri Jun 16 12:14:45 EDT 2006

Danny thanks for the help I didn't read the manual, my bad. And you were right about that the scrambler fails for short strings. Here is the corrected version.

(require (lib "cards.ss" "games" "cards"))

(define (shuffle-string str)
  (list->string (shuffle-list (string->list str) 2)))

(define (scramble str)
  (define len (string-length str))
  (if (<= len 3)
      (let ([len-1 (sub1 len)])
         (substring str 0 1)                          ; First char
         (shuffle-string (substring str 1 len-1))     ; Shuffle mid-part
         (substring str len-1 len)))))                ; Last char

(define (scramble-text str)
  (let ([word (regexp "[a-zA-Z]+")])
    (regexp-replace* word str scramble)))

(scramble-text "In theory after scrambling this text would be still readable.")
On Thursday, June 15, 2006, at 11:09PM, Danny Yoo <dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:

>> I was happy this was a very small program to write, however I wasn't able to 
>> create a regexp that only match words,
>> so I ended using *dummy* variable to hold the second match that is passed to 
>> the scramble procedure. How can I fix this?
>Hi Jaime,
>The issue is that the regular expression has a group, which we define by 
>putting parens in the regexp pattern:
>     (let ([word (regexp "([a-zA-Z])+")]) ...)
>Here, any matches on our regexp will return two results: one for the whole 
>match, and the others for each group in the pattern.
>What you probably want is:
>     [a-zA-Z]+
>which doesn't define a group, so it'll give us a single reported match.
>Alternatively, we can look at the documentation on regex patterns:
>and see the following snippet:
>Atom     ::= (Regexp)                 Match sub-expression Regexp and
>                                       report match
>           |  (?:Regexp)               Match sub-expression Regexp 
>So there's a way of defining a sub-expression regex without causing match 
>to report it.
>Let's play with regexp-match just to make this concrete:
>> (regexp-match "[a-zA-Z]+" "hello world")
>> (regexp-match "([a-zA-Z]+)" "hello world")
>("hello" "hello")
>> (regexp-match "([a-zA-Z])+" "hello world")
>("hello" "o")
>> (regexp-match "(?:[a-zA-Z]+)" "hello world")
>(The result for "([a-zA-Z])+" surprises me!)
>Finaly, the scrambling code might need some clarification.  What happens 
>on words with only one letter in them?
>Best of wishes to you!

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