[plt-scheme] erasing lexical scope --- reinventing the wheel?
Hi everyone,
I've written a quick-and-dirty function to erase the identifier bindings
off a syntax, and wanted to make sure I wasn't reinventing something
that's already in a library somewhere.
Here's what it looks like:
;; erase-lexical-scope: syntax -> syntax
;; Removes identifier-binding information from a syntax, preserving
;; location information.
(define (erase-lexical-scope stx)
(define (syntax-properties stx)
(map (lambda (f) (f stx))
(list syntax-source syntax-line syntax-column
syntax-position syntax-span)))
(syntax-case stx ()
(datum->syntax-object #f '() stx)]
[(a . b)
(with-syntax ([ea (erase-lexical-scope #'a)]
[eb (erase-lexical-scope #'b)])
(datum->syntax-object #f #'(ea . eb) (syntax-properties stx)))]
#f (syntax-object->datum stx) (syntax-properties stx))]))
(I'm using this for some test-case writing involving dynamically
generating modules and evaluating them.)
I looked around in the syntax collection but didn't find this function in
there. I want to see if anyone else was doing something similar.
Best of wishes!