[plt-scheme] Texpict weird+

From: Jay McCarthy (jay.mccarthy at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Jun 8 08:31:09 EDT 2006

I just recompiled to check this.

Welcome to DrScheme, version 349.100-svn7jun2006.
Language: (module ...).
> (require (lib "texpict.ss" "texpict")
           (lib "utils.ss" "texpict"))
> (hc-append (cloud 50 50))
> (hc-append (cloud 50 50)
             (cloud 50 50))
<bug> pict-width: expects args of type <struct:pict>; given instance of a
different <struct:pict>

Any idea?


Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.brown.edu>
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