[plt-scheme] pause or wait?
> When running recursive procedures that have an effect on the screen
> (such as an animation) it sometimes nice to have them pause between each
> call. I looked for such a PAUSE or WAIT primitive but couldn't find one.
> Any pointers?
Hi Knubee,
If we're using the draw.ss teachpack from How to Design Programs,
then we should be able to use the function sleep-for-a-while mentioned in
exercise 6.6.6.
If we're using the module language, you can still access teachpacks by
requiring the appropriate one from the 'htdp' collection. For example:
(module test-drawing mzscheme
(require (lib "posn.ss" "lang")
(lib "draw.ss" "htdp")
(lib "etc.ss"))
;; draw-shrinking-circle: posn number number
;; draws a circle that shrinks.
(define (draw-shrinking-circle center-posn current-radius min-radius)
[(> current-radius min-radius)
(draw-circle center-posn current-radius 'black)
(sleep-for-a-while .05)
(draw-circle center-posn current-radius 'white)
(draw-shrinking-circle center-posn
(sub1 current-radius)
[else true]))
(start 300 300)
(draw-shrinking-circle (make-posn 150 150) 100 50))
Best of wishes!