[plt-scheme] math pow function?

From: George Herson (gherson at snet.net)
Date: Sat Jun 3 13:44:21 EDT 2006

Shouldn't all aspects of the language be tagged SUMO-style (http://www.ontologyportal.org/), and an online semantic search utility be offered on, e.g., http://download.plt-scheme.org/doc/, to enble quick lookup of these types of questions?  Seems like Scheme's the right tool for this type of app, too (but what do i know?).

george h

----- Original Message ----
From: Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net>
To: Jon Rafkind <workmin at ccs.neu.edu>
Cc: plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu
Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2006 1:08:46 PM
Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] math pow function?

Jon Rafkind wrote:
> Is there a pow() function in mzscheme somewhere? I feel like Ive
> searched for this before but I don't remember what I found last time.

Is expt what you are looking for?

Jens Axel Søgaard

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