[plt-scheme] xxx chooses MzScheme as preferred language

From: Edmund Dengler (edmundd at eSentire.com)
Date: Thu Jun 1 15:41:24 EDT 2006


I tried originally to use plain regexp, but there were a number of desired
features that influenced the switch over to pregexp. Unfortunately, there
did not appear to be any documentation that jumped out at me while doing
the work to say that one library had a performance advantage, and I hadn't
gotten far enough with the original implementation to compare.


On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

> On May 31, 2006, at 10:21 PM, Edmund Dengler wrote:
> > - overall slowness compared to languages such as Perl when regular
> >   expressions are used (I had one task which executed about an order of
> >   magnitude faster and consumed a lot less memory when I recoded it as
> > a
> >   series of transformations based on converting the string to a list,
> >   running a transformer, and converting it back into a string, in
> >   contrast to using pregexp)
> Small question: did you try the same task with plain regexp (the
> built-in pattern matcher using the Perl algorithms)?
> -- Matthias
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