[plt-scheme] Scheme contradictions
On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 11:18:13PM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> >Here now is the contradiction. A programming language called Scheme yet
> >there seems little scheme as a term refering to a goal there. I look
> >around and I see alot of people each with a different implimentation
> >pretty much repeating the work of each other.
> But for someone to reimplement something like full Python or Ruby or Perl,
> for example, it seems to require a tremendous team effort. Look at recent
> efforts at reimplementation, such as PyPy or Jython or JRuby: it's not
> just solitary person working alone. Perhaps people who by necessity have
> to cooperate can eclipse a single person who is coasting. Perhaps a
> "Worse is Better" phenomena is going on. I'm not sure.
Maybe the trouble is that Scheme is so easy to implement that everyone
-- hendrik