[plt-scheme] Scheme contradictions
On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 11:18:13PM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> Hold. Have you even looked at "How to Design Programs"? Really read
> though it: don't just look at the table of contents.
> http://www.htdp.org/
> Take a critical look at it: don't just assume that all it talks about is
> Fibonacci numbers, or that it even mentions them. (In fact, I can't even
> find Fibonacci numbers in the index, and my theory is that the authors
> have anticipated your complaint and have deliberately omitted it out of
> principle.) And of the first examples in HtDP, some deal with wages and
> theatre prices. I can't think of anything more motivating. *grin*
My son (who already can use C, Java, C++, Eiffel and has programmed his
Nintendo DS) tried How To Design Programs and got totally bored long
before he got to the meat of thr language.
-- hendrik