[plt-scheme] lisp sans parentheses

From: nusret (nbalci_l at yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Jul 29 23:27:49 EDT 2006

2. We use right associative infix operator notation -
        a * b + c  translates to (* a (+ b c)) in
This clearly violates mathematical convention. Is this
a typo, or is it intentional?


--- Chris Warrington <chrisw at rice.edu> wrote:

> Srikumar Subramanian @ 2006-7-29 10:06:44 PM
> "[plt-scheme] lisp sans parentheses"
> <mid:413F7B29-888D-4F5E-93F5-81709BCBDED0 at mac.com>
> > If you're interested, check this out -
> > http://web.mac.com/srikumarks/programming
> Try this instead:
> -- 
> Chris Warrington <chrisw at rice.edu>
> If computers can calculate sums that would take a
> human lifetimes to
> complete, how do we know they're not just making it
up?> _________________________________________________
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