[plt-scheme] Structure constructor
Hi all,
What is the simplest way to go from a structure to its constructor?
The following seems to work, but I have a hunch there is a simpler
; struct-constructor : struct -> constructor
(define (struct-constructor s)
(define (struct->struct-id s)
(let*-values ([(info _) (struct-info s)]
[(name _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7) (struct-type-info info)])
(let* ([name (struct->struct-id s)]
[make-name (string->symbol
"make-" (symbol->string name)))])
(namespace-variable-value make-name)))
; > (define-struct foo (bar baz) (make-inspector))
; > (define s (make-foo 'a 'b))
; > (struct-constructor s)
; #<struct-procedure:make-foo>
; > (print-struct #t)
; > ((struct-constructor s) 'c 'd)
; #(struct:foo c d)
Jens Axel Søgaard