[plt-scheme] Re: plt-scheme Digest, Vol 11, Issue 38
> (define S
> "\\x0A1,76.23,179000\\x0A2,76.12,53000\\x0A3,76.10,107500\\")
> (pregexp-split "\\" S) since the \\ is an escape char
> it won't split and I'm having trouble finding the
> proper sequence of chars...
Hi Geb,
The pregexp engine needs to see two literal backslashes. So in the split
above, we need to double up each backslash, since the backslashes in the
string literal "\\" need to be protected:
> (pregexp-split "\\\\" S)
("" "x0A1,76.23,179000" "x0A2,76.12,53000" "x0A3,76.10,107500")
Best of wishes!