[plt-scheme] HTDP 21.1.2 - trying to put it together
wooks . @ 2006-7-16 2:06:12 PM
"[plt-scheme] HTDP 21.1.2 - trying to put it together" <mid:BAY103-F11E6EFF0190AF0B9751C84C06D0 at phx.gbl>
>>> I've "lost" the (X -> Y) ...the only thing I can think of now is
>>> making somefunc local to the definition of the map function to
>>> bring the (X -> Y) from map within the scope of somefunc.
>> What happens if you do that?
> It works.
> (define (myMap func a-list)
> (local ((define (someFunc x aloy)
> (cons (func x) aloy)))
> (fold someFunc empty a-list)))
Now, can you extend what you learned when writing map to write
something like filter?
filter : (X -> boolean) [X] -> [X]
>> Can you "flatten" someFunc now that you don't have to pass it f?
> If it were an anonymous function I wouldn't have to "pass" it but
> I'm not supposed to know that at HTDP chap 21.
After getting to Intermezzo 4, rewrite myMap without using local.
Chris Warrington <chrisw at rice.edu>
Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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