[plt-scheme] define-struct-for-syntax?

From: Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at yahoo.com)
Date: Sun Jul 16 05:19:14 EDT 2006

You could write define-struct-for-syntax yourself using
define-for-syntax and make-struct-type.  There is a helper
function in one of the collects (maybe MzLib, maybe syntax)
that you could use.


--- Kimberley Burchett <kim.burchett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there any way to define a struct in the transformer
> environment
> other than putting it in a separate module and then
> require-for-syntax'ing that module?  I tried wrapping the
> define-struct in a begin-for-syntax, but got an error
> saying "syntax
> definitions not allowed within begin-for-syntax".
> The separate module hack works, obviously, but it makes
> me sad.
> --
> Kimberley Burchett
> http://www.kimbly.com/
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