[plt-scheme] DrScheme3m Under V350.3

From: Dave Herman (dherman at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Jul 5 15:43:19 EDT 2006

When running normal DrScheme v350.3 in Windows XP (from the nightly 
binaries page, not 3m), on startup I get either a MrEd crash or an FFI 

;; --

ffi-obj: couldn't get "" from #f (The specified procedure could not be 
found.; errno=127)

  === context ===
C:\Program Files\plt\collects\mzlib\foreign.ss:216:2: get-ffi-obj*
c:\program files\plt\collects\drscheme\private\tools.ss:169:12
c:\program files\plt\collects\drscheme\private\tools.ss:70:6: 

;; --

After running setup-plt, now I get errno=126 but otherwise the same 
error. Or I just get the MrEd crash.

When running DrScheme3m, I get this error instead:

;; --

ffi-obj: couldn't get "scheme_start_atomic" from #f (The handle is 
invalid.; errno=6)

  === context ===
C:\Program Files\plt\collects\mzlib\foreign.ss:216:2: get-ffi-obj*
c:\program files\plt\collects\drscheme\private\tools.ss:169:12
c:\program files\plt\collects\drscheme\private\tools.ss:70:6: 

;; --

I'm not sure if this is the same error as others got, but I thought I'd 
report it.


Posted on the users mailing list.