Parsing style [Was: [plt-scheme] proof checking: a, subproblem]

From: Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at
Date: Fri Jan 20 10:46:20 EST 2006

--- Prabhakar Ragde <plragde at> wrote:

> But Danny's solution isn't integrated in that fashion; it
> uses an 
> implementation of lex/Bison in Scheme (which may use
> macros down below, but I can't see them). 

I was referring simply to this:

 - traditional Lex/Yacc is a separate program that takes an
input file written in some custom language and converts it
into a file of C|ML|whatever.

 - the parser-tools is a bunch of macros that takes Scheme
code and converts it into Scheme code

The Haskell guys want to write parsers without creating a
custom language, so they invent parser combinators.  Its
the language integration that macros give us (we write
Scheme to generate Scheme) that makes parser combinators
less interesting in Scheme.  

> It works nicely, but I feel I'm
> transgressing some unwritten law. 

Not really.  I think the parser solution is valid.  You can
embed infix languages in Scheme with macros (every once in
a while somebody does it with arithmetic -- I'm sure there
is an example in the archives) but unless you really want
the embedding it might be more effort than it's worth.

> Danny's solution extends pretty easily to checking a
> whole proof: ... Is that deeply unidiomatic? 

Seems ok to me!


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