[plt-scheme] xexprs and sxml
On Jan 8, 2006, at 11:40 PM, Dave Herman wrote:
> The state of PLT Scheme's support for XML is still a little
> unsatisfying; it's possible to use either xexprs or SXML but
> certain tools require one or the other. If I want to perform some
> XML transformations to generate pages for the web-server, it seems
> awfully uncivilized to use SXSLT to create SXML, then marshall to
> XML, unmarshall back to xexprs and send to the web-server which
> will just convert right back to XML.
> Is there a plan to move away from xexprs? That'd be a shame,
> because I like xexprs. I suppose tools like WebIt! and SXSLT could
> be made abstract in the data representation, but that might be a
> little over-engineered. Is it better just to write a SXML->xexpr
> and xexpr->SXML library?
Given the deeply complex nature of the XML <-> scheme-data
transformation, I think a direct transformation between xexprs and
SXML would be vastly preferable. Furthermore, I think it's pretty
much trivial. The only thing to worry about is tools that accept
xexprs and assume the presence of the modifier-thingy list. For this
reason, I think I would design the SXML->xexpr translation to always
include the modifier-thingy list, even if empty.
Then, you can staple those onto the web server with things like 'send-
suspend/sxml', and spend more time on research. No?
P.S.: do you have any way (other than WebIt) to transform SXML into
XML? Because I've looked, and couldn't find anything.
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