[plt-scheme] Problems with pre-install on Linux

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Tue Jan 3 02:36:59 EST 2006

>Currently, `pre-install' looks for a single element of
>PLT_EXTENSION_LIB_PATHS where both the include sub-dirs and libraries
>can be found. So, it just doesn't work for your case.
Will this work both on Windows and Linux?

>So, I recommend that you avoid the `include-subdirs' argument of
>`pre-install'. Instead, parameterize `current-extension-compiler-flags'
>and add -I flags for your directories. (Do the same with
>`current-extension-preprocess-flags' if you expect to use 3m support.)

Posted on the users mailing list.