[plt-scheme] Reporting syntax-error to a DrScheme tool
Hi all,
I am attempting to hook up a css mode for DrScheme
and am missing the piece that makes DrScheme highlight
errors in the definition window.
In the parser I use
; css-parser : (-> token) -> sexp
(define css-parser
; TODO: wire the error function to the language level
(error (lambda (a name val start end)
(raise-read-error "read-error"
(position-line start)
(position-col start)
(position-offset start)
(- (position-offset end)
(position-offset start)))))
to raise an read-error.
In tool.ss I have the following on-execute method:
(define/public (on-execute settings run-in-user-thread)
; (read-case-sensitive #f)
(lambda ()
When I click "Execute" on a file with syntax-error all I get is
in the interaction window.
What piece of the puzzle is missing?
Jens Axel Søgaard