[plt-scheme] Parameters and servlets

From: Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Feb 16 14:45:23 EST 2006

--- Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:

> > Thanks for the explanation. Your web-cells might do the
> trick.
> I found "web-cells.ss" in the web-server collection.
> Is there any usage examples?

Are web-cells the Right Thing?  Jay's email suggested they
aren't.  I argue that if you have to be aware of the
internal implementation of the web-server, that
implementation should change, and hence web-cells are the
Wrong Thing.


Email: noelwelsh <at> yahoo <dot> com   noel <at> untyped <dot> com
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