[plt-scheme] Re: Semantics of ec?
Full continuations, dynamic-wind, etc don't seem to be required (as you
might expect if you look at mzscheme's implementation or Matthias's
CCF: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~robby/ccf/ ).
Anyways, is this what you're looking for?
;; throw to an escaping continuation
(in-hole E_1 (call/ec (lambda (x_1) (in-hole E_2 (x_1 v_1)))))
(in-hole E_1 v_1)
;; invalidate an escaping continuation
;; that is trying to be a full one
(in-hole E_1 (call/ec (lambda (x_1) v_1)))
(in-hole E_1 ((lambda (x_1) v_1) (lambda (ignore) (error))))
;; abort the program when hitting an error
(in-hole E_1 (error))
I've also attached a PLT Redex version of it with a little bit bigger
language if you want to play around with it. Enjoy.
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