[plt-scheme] call/cc and values
Thanks everybody. That was very helpfull.
On 2/15/06, Carl Eastlund <carl.eastlund at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/15/06, Jacob Matthews <jacobm at cs.uchicago.edu> wrote:
> > You _can_ get the behavior I suspect you want, but not the way you've
> > done it. You've got to do
> >
> > (let/ec return
> > (return 1 2))
> >
> > which evaluates to two values, 1 and 2.
> Of course, this is what the call-with-values code I wrote boils down
> to, and is the simple way to do things. Using call-with-values is
> only necessary if you have some arbitrary function call generating
> your multiple values and you can't manually plug them into argument
> position.
> --
> Carl Eastlund
> "Cynical, but technically correct."
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