[plt-scheme] Statistics (V301.5 Speed Up)
I ran 1000 runs and made a histogram of the results. Unfortunately, there
is one value out at 16353 while the others were between about 6000 and 8000.
Which made the histogram difficult to interpret. I have attached the code
and the resulting histogram.
You're welcome to run it - it will download the simulation collection and
science collection automatically from planet - and join the name that
distribution contest. Apparantly, Jim's buying. :)
-----Original Message-----
From: plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu on behalf of Jim Blandy
Sent: Fri 2/10/2006 4:32 PM
To: Joe Marshall
Cc: PLT Scheme; Noel Welsh
Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] Statistics (V301.5 Speed Up)
At this point, I'm dying to see an actual distribution of runtimes.
I like Joe's argument about the minimum runtime. I put one beer on it
not being Gaussian, to be collected at some future Scheme workshop I
manage to attend.
For list-related administrative tasks:
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