[plt-scheme] Statistics (V301.5 Speed Up)
On 14 Feb 2006, at 11:20 AM, Alexander Friedman wrote:
>> - generic arithmetic preventing arithmetic optimizations (not that
>> anybody really knows how to fix this)
> Yes. I don't see any obvious way to fix this either.
As someone who uses Scheme to do pretty heavy-duty numerical
simulations, could I put in a request for some fl+ fl- fl* fl/, etc
operators? (These are already in the SRFI with proposed R6RS
arithmetic.) I realize that this solution to the generic arithmetic
problem is not perfect, but if the typechecks and boxing/unboxing
operations associated with these operators were compiled in the right
way, a pretty simple peephole optimizer would be able to eliminate most
of them---for example, the ocaml bytecode interpreter recently gained a
double-float result register (unboxed), and numerical performance
improved quite a bit (see http://dem.inim.us/ocamlfp/README-FP.html ).
Naively, I would expect even greater improvements if there's a proper
native-code compiler sitting behind the floating-point specific
operators. You're not going to catch Bigloo or another compiler that
does full SUA, etc, but you would make me very happy :).