[plt-scheme] re: programming for the web in scheme (vlado)
I don't think that understanding continuations is necessary to make
web-apps. I think that making the web-apps will help you appreciate
continuations, and maybe (just maybe), will help you understand them
in general.
On 2/9/06, Geoffrey Knauth <geoff at knauth.org> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2006, at 12:50, pedro pinto gave advice:
> > But most importantly, start writing your own web-app, preferably
> > something with non-trivial workflow. It is hard to appreciate how
> > much continuations help until you do this.
> Is understanding continuations completely a prerequisite to creating
> the correct workflow, or does experimenting with workflows in web-
> apps lead from a partial to a better understanding of continuations?
> Some thing are OK to learn by trial and error. I wonder if
> mishandling continuations leads to enlightenment or insanity.
> Geoffrey
> --
> Geoffrey S. Knauth | http://knauth.org/gsk
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