[plt-scheme] PLT Source Browser
On 2/5/06, Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:
> Robby Findler wrote:
> > I've put together a first cut at building the module pictures. You'll
> > need the latest svn version of DrScheme to run the attached script, but
> > you can look at the pictures here:
> >
> > http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~robby/tmp/mgi/
> >
> > I generated the files using module-graph-dot.ss and dot (in the
> > graphviz package available via fink for mac os x and also available
> > under linux somehow, I'm sure).
> >
> > ./module-graph-dot.ss ~/svn/plt/collects/mzlib/etc.ss > etc.dot
> > dot -Tps etc.dot > etc.ps
> > epstopdf etc.ps
> >
> > It doesn't seem to work well for the very large files, however, since
> > the graphs get kind of klunky (many more edges than nodes). The "-n"
> > flag helps a little (it avoid following `lib' paths) but it isn't
> > enough for the big files. To see, try framework.ss.
> >
> > Anyways, I hope someone else can take it from here.
> For the time being I'll experiment with a text sidebar
> listing the various types of requires. I like you
> dot-example though, for one it made the code in module-overview.ss
> easier to understand.
> I noticed at the Graphviz gallery page, that it can produce
> SVG files, which is in XML format. Maybe one could use such
> manipulate such an output file and turn the nodes into links?
> Any volunteers?
Sure. This script wraps the SVG nodes with links to the filenames in
the "title" elements. This is probably a job for XSL though :)
exec mzscheme -C "$0" "$@"
(require (lib "xml.ss" "xml"))
(require (lib "plt-match.ss")
;(lib "pretty.ss")
(lib "list.ss")
(lib "etc.ss"))
(define (main args)
(define arg (cadr args))
(let* ([svg (read-svg-file arg)]
[svg2 (svg+links svg)]
[xml (xexpr->xml svg2)])
(write-xml/content xml)
;(pretty-print svg2)
(define (read-svg-file fname)
(with-input-from-file fname
(lambda ()
(xml->xexpr (document-element (read-xml))))))
(define (svg+links svg)
(match svg
[(list-rest 'svg attrs content)
(svg-content+links attrs content)]
[x x]))
(define (svg-content+links attrs content)
`(svg ,attrs
,@(map (match-lambda
[(list-rest 'g attrs graph-content)
(svg-graph+links attrs graph-content)]
[x x])
(define (svg-graph+links attrs graph-content)
`(g ,attrs
,@(map (match-lambda
[(list-rest 'g attrs content)
(if (string=? "node" (find-attrib attrs 'class))
(svg-node+links attrs content)
(svg-edge+links attrs content))]
[x x])
(define (svg-node+links attrs node-content)
(define fname
(let loop ([c node-content])
(match c
['() (error 'svg-node+links "Node has no title.")]
[(list-rest (list-rest 'title attrs content) more)
(apply string-append content)]
[(list-rest x more) (loop more)])))
`(a ([xlink:href ,fname])
(g ,attrs , at node-content)))
(define (svg-edge+links attrs edge-content)
`(g ,attrs , at edge-content))
(define (find-attrib attrs attrname)
(define attrstr (symbol->string attrname))
(let loop ([in attrs])
[(empty? in) #f]
[(string-ci=? (symbol->string (first (first in)))
(second (first in))]
[else (loop (rest in))])))