[plt-scheme] call/cc and space
On Feb 7, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2006, at 5:36 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
>> Safe-for-space has nothing to do with garbage collection (but that is
>> the right paper! :)
> Is pop() a gc instruction? Some people think so. In that sense a
> lot of stuff is gc. -- Matthias
Huh? On page 179 of the PLDI proceedings, Dr. Clinger (cc'ed)
describes the space complexity class of sfs evaluators. In these
evaluators, the portion of the environment that is retained, for
instance, in an 'if' or a procedure call, is restricted to those
bindings that are referred to by "future" parts of the computation.
Here's the example he gives to show that the class of 'evlis'
evaluators is not a subset of the class of 'sfs' evaluators:
(define (f n)
(let ([v (make-vector n)])
(if (zero? n)
((lambda () (begin (f (- n 1)) n))))))
A safe-for-space evaluator will consume a maximum amount of memory
that is linear in the size of n--because the references to 'v' in the
parent frames are collected, even though the call to 'f' is not in
tail position.
So while it's true that the theorem says nothing about _how_ this
efficiency must be achieved, the reference implementation defines
this complexity class explicitly in terms of a garbage collection
rule. In what sense is this "nothing to do with garbage collection"?
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