[plt-scheme] new version of prog langs text (also making the collection work on r301.5 from svn)
> I was able to install the *.plt file under Windows with no problems.
> However, when I attempted to install under OS X (using Safari), I ended
> up seeing a text file displayed in the browser. I tried right clicking
> (well, control clicking) and saving it to the desktop, but I got a file
> named plai-300.plt.txt.
Hi Gregory,
It might be less problematic to input the url of that PLT file directly
from DrScheme's 'File/Install PLT File...' menu.
> My guess is that the web server is sending a media type of text/ plain.
> The media type probably ought to be application/something, maybe
> application/octet-stream.
One issue here is that the .plt file _is_ textual; it's packed in a
particular way that's ASCII-frendly. Safari's trying to be too nice here
by adding the .txt suffix. If we use Firefox, there's no implicit
renaming going behind our back. So this is really a Safari problem more
than anything else.
Shriram, when I try installing the PLAI file for v300 on tope of svn PLT
Scheme 301.5, I see the following error:
setup-plt: Compiling .zos used by PLAI
setup-plt: in /Users/dyoo/Library/PLT Scheme/301.5/collects/plai/
setup-plt: in /Users/dyoo/Library/PLT
private/datatype-core.ss:27:44: compile: unbound variable in module in:
setup-plt: Done setting up
setup-plt: Error during Compiling .zos for PLAI (/Users/dyoo/Library/PLT
setup-plt: private/datatype-core.ss:27:44: compile: unbound variable in
module in: contract?
Unforutnately, it looks like contract? isn't provided by:
(lib "contract.ss" "mzlib" "private"),
but it does appear to be provided by:
(lib "contract-util.ss" "mzlib" "private")
Making that small change there appears to make things work again for me.
Is contract-util.ss new, or was it already in r300? Checking...
mumak:~/local/plt/collects/mzlib/private dyoo$ svn log contract-util.ss
r1957 | eli | 2006-01-24 21:24:57 -0800 (Tue, 24 Jan 2006) | 1 line
set svn:eol-style
r1956 | robby | 2006-01-24 20:44:49 -0800 (Tue, 24 Jan 2006) | 1 line
improved expansion of -> contract combinator to generate less stuff and
got a very slight performance improvement. also split up contract
implementation into multiple files
Gaaa, so this is really recent. *grin*
Hope this helps!