[plt-scheme] Match - naming the result of pat ...

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryan_sml at yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Feb 6 18:46:05 EST 2006

--- Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:

> I have a feeling this have been asked before,
> and that the answer had something to do with
> (and ...), but ...
> Consider:
>  > (match '(1 2 3 a 4 5)
>      [((? number?) ... . more)
>       more])
> (a 4 5)
> How do I get to the part matched by (? number?) ... ?

The '?' form allows you to put more patterns after the predicate, so
you could write the following to get the all-numeric prefix of the

(match '(1 2 3 a 4 5)
  [((? number? nums) ... . more)


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