[plt-scheme] Request for Info

From: hendrik at topoi.pooq.com (hendrik at topoi.pooq.com)
Date: Sun Dec 17 09:53:56 EST 2006

On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 09:18:47AM -0500, Matthew Jadud wrote:
> I would encourage you to look at "How to Design Programs" 
> (http://www.htdp.org/) is a textbook published by MIT Press, and freely 
> available online. Written by the same team of people who work on PLT 
> Scheme, it provides an excellent introduction to programming. It happens 
> to use DrScheme, but the methods and approaches they encourage apply 
> equally well to all programming languages.

If it's the book I think it is, the methods show up the *deficiencies* 
of a lot of other programming languages.

-- hendrik

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