[plt-scheme] HTML library modules

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Fri Dec 15 00:40:28 EST 2006

On Thu, 14 Dec 2006, Tommy Nordgren wrote:

> Can someone please point me to tutorials on using the html libraries 
> included with PLT Scheme? I want to generate HTML files from templates, 
> containing HTML fragments and embedded Scheme expressions prefixed with 
> $

Hi Tommy,

You might find Section 3 here to be useful as background:


The idea is rather than represent templates as strings, we can use 

I wrote a small entry on how one might generate XML:


The idea is that there's already a kind of templating support that we can 
use called "quasiquotation" that works on s-expressions.  Here's a quick 
and dirty example:

> (define name "tommy")
> (define page
     `(html (head (title "testing"))
          (p "hello " ,name))))
> page
(html (head (title "testing")) (body (p "hello " "tommy")))

Quasiquotation starts with a back-quote.  Within a quasiquoted 
s-expression, we can use the ',' unquote operator to interpolate the 
values we want to push.

We can translate this s-expression into a string:

> (require (lib "xml.ss" "xml"))
> (xexpr->string page)

There's a guarantees that, at least, everything is well formed.  As 
another example:

> (define (make-link ref text)
     `(a ((href ,ref)) ,text))
> (make-link "http://plt-scheme.org/" "<< testing >>")
(a ((href "http://plt-scheme.org/")) "<< testing >>")
> (xexpr->string (make-link "http://plt-scheme.org/" "<< testing >>"))
"<a href=\"http://plt-scheme.org/\">&lt;&lt; testing &gt;&gt;</a>"
> (xexpr->string
     `(p ,(make-link "http://google.com/" "Google")
         "is your friend!"))
"<p><a href=\"http://google.com/\">Google</a>is your friend!</p>"

Notice that the xexpr->string function is automatically handling entity 
quotation.  Also, note that whatever follows the ',' can be more than a 
variable binding: it's an arbitrary expression.

This is all focused on XHTMLish generation.  If you need to do HTML, you 
might be interested in the htmlprag library:


If you go down to "Emitting HTML", you'll see another example there.

Good luck!

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