[plt-scheme] setup-plt error in frtime collect
On Dec 12, Casey Klein wrote:
> When running setup-plt on a fresh build of the trunk, I get an error
> related to collects/frtime/frtime-lang-only.ss's definition of the
> module `frtime-no-mred':
> setup-plt: load-handler: expected a `module' declaration for
> `frtime-lang-only' in
> #<path:/home/clklein/plt/lib/plt/collects/frtime/frtime-lang-only.ss>,
> found: frtime-no-mred
> Should this module's name be changed?
Yes, the file was added and then renamed. I comitted a fix.
(Greg: FYI.)
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!