[plt-scheme] Syntax objects and strings (or "stupid infix tricks")

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Thu Dec 7 15:01:05 EST 2006

> Is there a way to turn a string into a syntax object without calling read?
> Something feels wrong with what i'm doing.  {I mean someting feels wrong
> beond the fact that i'm dealing with infix notation ;)}

Hi Corey,

The function READ-SYNTAX, coupled with making a string look like a port 
through the OPEN-INPUT-STRING function, should do the trick.  Take a look 
at READ-SYNTAX in the help desk first, because it needs to take an extra 
argument, compared to regular READ.

> i've written a re-infixer that does the reverse of Dannys "infix" 
> package.

[some code cut]

Ack!  I didn't mean for things to get this perverse.

Posted on the users mailing list.