[plt-scheme] Odd error from CGI
My CGI looks like this:
#!/Users/mcj4/bin/mzscheme -gqr
(fprintf (current-error-port)
"Hello before the require.~n")
;;(require (lib "cgi.ss" "net"))
(require (lib "xmlrpc-cgi.ss" "xmlrpc"))
(fprintf (current-error-port)
"Hello after the require.~n")
(fprintf (current-error-port)
"Hello after headers.~n")
(handle-xmlrpc-request* (get-bindings/post))
This is all fine and good, except that my CGI has PLaneT requires in it.
Therefore, I need write access (it seems) to a system directory (the
webserver "home" directory) to use library code that uses PLaneT packages.
Hello before the require.
make-directory: cannot make directory: /Library/WebServer/Library/
(Permission denied; errno=13)
=== context ===
/Users/mcj4/Apps/plt350/collects/mzlib/file.ss:226:2: make-directory*
/Users/mcj4/Apps/plt350/collects/mzlib/file.ss:226:2: make-directory*
/Users/mcj4/Apps/plt350/collects/planet/resolver.ss:172:2: resolver
[Sun Aug 6 17:34:07 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /Users/mcj4/Sites/cgi/rpctest/test.cgi
This isn't exactly groovy. I'll read the PLaneT docs, and see if I can
discover a workaround for myself. I thought I'd point it out, though,
having run into it at full speed, and wondered why my code was trying to
make directories in protected parts of the filesystem...